"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

16 August 2015

Lovely Sight Over Eretz Yisrael

1 Elul 5775
Rosh Chodesh

What a beautiful start to this new month of hope for better things ahead along with a better self. The storks are migrating and they soared directly over my house this morning.

The following comes from a JPost article written five years ago about this time:

The great stork migration is upon us. Thirty-one thousand storks flew down the country to rest in the Negev and around the Dead Sea ..., before heading to their winter homes in eastern Africa.

[This]was the first day of the height of the migration, Jonathan Meyrav, survey director and project manager for the Israel Ornithological Society, told The Jerusalem Post. The society is part of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI).

“This was the first big day of the height of the migration. For the next week to 10 days, we’re likely to see a lot of storks flying by,” he said. The migration will likely take six weeks since starting in early August. All told, 350,000 are expected to fly over the country from north to south in that time, he added.

On Tuesday, the birds flew from the Beit She’an Valley, over Kfar Adumim, to land in the Negev.

The video option is suddenly not working on my camera, but here are two of the best of the still shots that I took. 

Of course, the pictures can't do it justice. It's quite an experience to see them spiraling up and around and moving across the sky like a slow cloud. (Here is a video someone posted two years ago.) 

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